Reiki is a gentle, safe, non-intrusive hands-on energy healing technique that harmonises all aspects of a person - mind, body and spirit. It’s based on the idea that everything in this universe is made up of energy and one can learn to harness these energies to improve underlying health conditions. Reiki can help to balance the human energy system and assist the body in repairing itself.
How does Reiki work?
Modern science states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be changed from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, simply changing from one form to another. Reiki is all about transforming energy – the energy within us (our chakras), the energy that surrounds our bodies (our aura), and even the energy in our environment. The theory of Reiki proposes that physical, mental, and emotional issues can occur if this energy is low or becomes blocked. The purpose of Reiki is to promote good health by balancing these energy fields.
What is a Reiki session like?
The Reiki practitioner places their hands on or just above your body (usually over a specific area) to redirect energy. The placement of the hand is non-invasive and should not cause any sort of discomfort. In case of a particular injury or pain, the practitioner keeps the hand just above the wounds. A typical Reiki healing session usually lasts around 30-60 minutes, depending on the needs of the client.
What are the benefits of Reiki?
The most common affect of receiving Reiki is a deep sense of relaxation and removal of stress that was blocked in the body. Reiki is also said to aid the healing of emotional wounds and increase your capacity to love yourself and others deeply. Research suggests it may help:​